Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Neighbourhood Development Plan?

A Neighbourhood Plan is an important planning document produced by the community to set out how planning decisions should be made in an area. They are positive documents that say yes to the right sort of development, in the right place and the right time.

Haven’t Truro and Kenwyn already got a plan adopted?

Yes, a plan was adopted in 2016 following a public vote where 85% voted for the plan to be used in planning decisions by Cornwall Council. The current plan covers a wide range of subjects including environment, economy, education, housing, leisure and culture, transport and historic environment. Since then there have been a number of local and national changes that meant that the plan needed to be updated.  These include further opportunities to influence the Langarth and Pydar Street developments and the making of the Climate Change Emergency.

Why has the current plan been revised?

The current plan has been used successfully in decision making by Cornwall Council and has been used to refuse inappropriate development and successfully defend the decision at appeal. However, plans need to be kept up to date and there have been changes locally and nationally that mean that the plan needs to be updated.

A number of new policies have been developed which set out how the future development in Truro and Kenwyn will:

  • Respond to the challenges of climate change
  • Support economic development and employment
  • Provide decent homes and meeting future infrastructure needs for all
  • Improve health and wellbeing
  • Encourage more sustainable travel patterns and choices;
  • Support local heritage and culture.

The revised plan will replace the existing NDP and cover the period up to 2030.

You can find out about the changes and view the revised Plan on the Truro and Kenwyn Neighbourhood Plan website :

Who has been involved in producing the revised plan ?

The development of the revised plan has been led by the Truro and Kenwyn NDP Steering Group. Work on revising the Plan began in 2019.   The amended draft NDP, which fits with the National Planning Policy Framework guidelines and also the Cornwall Local Plan, was supported by both Truro City Council and Kenwyn Parish Council and formally submitted to Cornwall Council in May 2022.

Following a six-week public consultation, carried out between 12 July 2022 and 22 August 2022, the Plan was subject to an independent examination, including an in-person hearing. After some further modifications, the Plan was formally signed off by the Examiner and approved by both Truro City Council and Kenwyn Parish Council and by Cornwall Council, allowing it to progress to Referendum.

What are the key aims of the revised plan? 

Following feedback from residents, local councils, businesses, landowners and special interest groups, the following key aims were agreed:

• Truro & Kenwyn to be a vibrant, safe and pleasant place with adequate opportunities for work, fulfilment and enjoyment

 • Conserving and enhancing the landscape and green spaces of the area

• To provide a good mix of facilities, services and open spaces for local people

 • To encourage community cohesion

 • To try and make sure that people of all ages and backgrounds can find fulfilment, happiness and safety in their communities

• The variety and quality of life in our communities to be good, not just for us, but for those who travel to work here and for those who visit us

 • Our settlements to blend carefully and accessibly into our rural surroundings

 • To play a full and dynamic part in tomorrow’s Cornwall — fostering the spirit of “onen hag oll” — one and all

• Most of all, to engage young people in our community so that it attracts them to make their lives here.

What are the main benefits of the revised plan for local people?

If approved the revised Plan will:

  • Help protect the countryside
  • Provide stronger control over new development around Truro, Threemilestone and Shortlanesend.
  • Set higher standards for the design, quality and sustainability of new buildings and places.
  • Help to breathe new life into the city centre

Why should I vote in the Referendum ?

The Referendum is the final stage of the revised Truro and Kenwyn Neighbourhood Plan and the last chance for local people to have their say and help shape the future of their neighbourhood.  The Referendum is about the acceptance of the whole plan. Without a successful ‘yes’ vote, the Plan cannot be adopted as statutory planning policy and used in decision making by Cornwall Council.

What are the benefits of voting YES in the Referendum ?

If a majority of residents vote YES the Plan will be formally adopted by Cornwall Council. The new and updated policies, which better reflect the challenges and opportunities in the plan area will then be used by planning officers, landowners and developers to ensure that future development in Truro and Kenwyn responds to the community’s needs and aspirations.

Will voting no stop the developments at Langarth and Pydar ?

Voting NO in the Referendum will not stop development taking place. This includes the plans for Langarth and Pydar which already have planning permission. The old Neighbourhood Plan would stay in place, with the new and improved policies lost. The changes to the current plan will, however, enable the local community to have a much stronger voice in ensuring that both developments are of a higher quality and meet the needs of both existing and future residents.

What will happen if I vote No in the referendum ?

The aim of the revised Plan is to deliver all the benefits listed above and ensure that Truro and Kenwyn develop as a thriving neighbourhood that meets the needs of its residents, businesses and visitors in a sustainable way.  Without a successful ‘yes’ vote, the Plan cannot be adopted as statutory planning policy by Cornwall Council and decisions will be made using the old plan.

What question will be asked in the Referendum ?


They will be asked to vote YES or NO.  The Referendum is about the acceptance of the whole plan.

When will the Referendum be held ?

The Referendum is taking place on 27 April 2023. The polls will be open between 7 am and 10pm.

Who is responsible for organising the Referendum ?

The Neighbourhood Planning referendum for Truro and Kenwyn will be carried out in a similar way to those for local elections and will be organised by Cornwall Council’s Electoral Registration team. 

This means that Cornwall Council is responsible for publishing the formal Notice of Referendum and sending out the poll cards, as well as providing staff to manage the referendum process, counting the votes and reporting the outcome.

Who can vote in the Referendum ?

Anyone can vote if they are 18 years of age or over on 27 April and on Cornwall Council’s electoral register within the referendum area at the date of the vote. All those entitled to vote will receive a poll card informing them when and where to vote.

How can I find out more about the changes in the revised Plan

Information about the revised Plan is available on the Truro and Kenwyn Neighbourhood Plan website: