Current Plan

The Working Group was headed by Bob Ellis (Kenwyn Parish Council), Sarah Newton MP and Rob Nolan (Truro City Council)


For five long years Truro City Council and Kenwyn Parish councillors have worked hard to provide this Neighbourhood Plan for Truro and Kenwyn. It went through a Referendum in which 3,500 people voted and those that did overwhelmingly supported our plan. So now that it’s been adopted, what happens?

We don’t want the plan to be put on a shelf and forgotten about. Recently we had a Planning Officer supporting an application that was against our signage policy. Now our Signage Policy is a great policy, it’s all in Policy C5, which requires Signage to respect the architectural integrity of the buildings and character of the locality. This Policy is why we have shopfront signs that look hand painted, and very few garish illuminated signs.[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]

So to make sure our Plan doesn’t gather dust somewhere, and we prevent Cornwall Council planning officers making another mistake, we’re working to make it more accessible. This is our new website, where Residents, Councillors and Cornwall Councils Planners can easily find the policies that apply to an application.

We will be making sure that this plan is used, so that we can safeguard what’s great about Truro and Kenwyn, and ensure that any development that takes place is appropriate, sympathetic and in accordance with the views of the many people who supported the plan’s vision for our future.


Adopted Plan