Roger Gazzard

Roger is the Town Clerk for Truro City Council

Author's posts

The Environment in Truro and Kenwyn:

Truro and Kenwyn contain considerable areas of biodiversity and locally significant landscapes. The Fal and Helford Special Area of Conservation extends into the Plan area and the Carine Common SAC is located close to the Gloweth area. Green fingers extend down through valleys almost into the centre of Truro at the Coosebean and Allen Valleys. …

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Housing in Truro and Kenwyn: Housing ranges from open market housing, to affordable housing which can either be rented or partly owned. It also includes specialist housing such as sheltered accommodation for elderly or vulnerable people with specific needs. Truro city experienced its largest modern building waves in the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s, although steady …

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Transport in Truro and Kenwyn: Truro lies on the mainline railway from Penzance to London Paddington and has a frequent service to other towns. The A30 runs along the boundary of Kenwyn Parish, but access to the city is via the A39 and the A390, which run through the city centre before splitting to take …

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Summary of Policies Environment Policy E1 – Sustainable development – Ensuring that new development demonstrates social, economic and environmental sustainability, including reducing energy use and the need to travel. Policy E2 – Sustainable drainage – ensure sustainable drainage is provided to accommodate development in the plan area and avoid increasing flood risk. Policy E3 – …

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