“Our vision is for Truro & Kenwyn to be a successful and vibrant place, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive economically, culturally and socially; a safe place, aware of its history and confident of its future; that promotes and achieves learning, innovation, activity, health and sustainable development. Truro & Kenwyn will be a diverse community that provides for and values all of its people, ensuring that developments benefit communities”
What the Plan aims to deliver:
- Truro & Kenwyn to be vibrant, safe and pleasant places with adequate opportunities for work, fulfilment and enjoyment;
- Conserving and enhancing the landscape and green spaces of our area;
- A good mix of facilities, services and open spaces for local people;
- To encourage community cohesion;
- To try and make sure that people of all ages and backgrounds can find fulfilment, happiness and safety in their communities;
- The variety and quality of life in our communities to be good, not just for us, but for those who travel to work here and for those who visit us;
- Our settlements to blend carefully and accessibly into our rural surroundings;
- To play a full and dynamic part in tomorrow’s Cornwall — fostering the spirit of “onen hag oll” — one and all;
- Most of all, to engage young people in our community so that it attracts them to make their lives here